Calming the Spirit: Stress Reduction with Chinese Herbs and Practices

Over the course of centuries traditional Chinese medicine developed the use of specific exercises, foods, herbal formulas, and meditation methods to address a wide range of ailments and to foster overall emotional and spiritual health. In this class, we will draw from this rich tradition to learn some simple but powerfully effective techniques to reduce stress and “calm the spirit.” In each session we will practice ancient Taoist movement, breathing, and meditative exercises that have recently been scientifically proven to help control blood pressure, reduce weight, balance energy, and calm the nervous system. Even minutes a day of practice can confer noticeable results. We will also explore herbs, foods and specific exercises that can help alleviate such conditions as depression, insomnia and anxiety as well as help us release negative emotions. A WEEKLY COURSE (3 sessions) Thursdays, June 13–27, 8–10pm 13SHC49T Members: $90 / Nonmembers: $100 New York Open Center 2...