
Showing posts from April, 2014

Top 25 Foods Rich In Folic Acid

Top 25 Foods Rich In Folic Acid (via Style Craze ) Folic acid is a man-made (synthetic) form of folate that is found in supplements and is added to fortified foods. This essential nutrient is required for synthesizing and repairing DNA, to produce red blood cells and for regulating cell metabolism.…

Seven Traditional Chinese Herbal Remedies for Your First Aid Kit

Seven Traditional Chinese Herbal Remedies for Your First Aid Kit (via ) Many people I have talked to over the years have expressed curiosity about how to create a first aid kit that contains natural remedies that actually work. Above all, a first aid kit needs to help you prepared for unexpected circumstances while still…

1 in 3 success rate for fertility herbs

1 in 3 success rate for fertility herbs (via Education Post ) Fifty childless women who sought fertility treatment at Baptist University's traditional Chinese medicine clinics are said to have been able to conceive naturally after six months' treatment. They account for more than 30 per cent of the 145 local and…

25 Amazing Benefits Of Drinking Tea

25 Amazing Benefits Of Drinking Tea (via Style Craze ) We love our cup of warm tea in the morning, don’t we? Apart from being a comfort drink, tea is known to offer cure for various health disorders, right from constipation to cancer. It is also good for your skin and hair. In Chinese and Buddhist texts…

22 Amazing Benefits Of Dandelion For Skin, Hair And Health

22 Amazing Benefits Of Dandelion For Skin, Hair And Health (via Style Craze ) What is Dandelion? ‘Dandelion’- though the name seems rather unfamiliar, most of us have come across this herb and ignored it considering it just another weed. But the fact remains that this herb can do miracles for your health! I’m sure this…

16 Amazing Health Benefits Of Astragalus Root

16 Amazing Health Benefits Of Astragalus Root (via Style Craze ) Traditional Chinese medicine is a storehouse of countless herbs, most of them quite powerful with hidden benefits. Astragalus is one of the many herbs used in Chinese medicine. Known as Astragalus Membranaceus alias Astragalus Propinquus scientifically…

WORKSHOP! The WOOD ELEMENT - Herbal Formulas for the Liver!

WORKSHOP! The WOOD ELEMENT - Herbal Formulas for the Liver! The Huang Di Nei Jing describes the Liver as “the general of an army”. It secretes bile, which is stored in the Gallbladder. A properly functioning Liver organ will ensure that t he tendons are properly nourished and not too tense or gristly. The normal direction of Liver qi is downward. When it "rebels" it can attack the Spleen, causing nausea and poor appetite.  When the liver's ability to spread  qi  smoothly throughout the body is disrupted due to stress or lifestyle choices, however, the liver  qi  can become either stagnant or hyperactive, causing havoc in other organs, such as the lungs, stomach, and spleen. Often, stress-related problems such a s  irritable bowel syndrome  or  indigestion  can be successfully treated by working through the "smoothing of liver  qi ." Dysfunction of the Liver typically presents as;  irritability...

15 Amazing Benefits Of Burdock Roots For Skin Hair And Health

15 Amazing Benefits Of Burdock Roots For Skin Hair And Health (via Style Craze ) Are you in search of a powerful detoxifying agent that will cleanse your body and rejuvenate it? Your search ends right here! Burdock roots are packed with fabulous healing properties. It’s no wonder then that various European and Asian cuisine widely…

20 Amazing Health Benefits Of Ganoderma Mushrooms

20 Amazing Health Benefits Of Ganoderma Mushrooms (via Style Craze ) We hear a lot about mushrooms but how many are aware of the fact that mushrooms too have a number of different forms! Have you ever heard of Ganoderma Lucidum? I’m sure most of you are unaware of this wonder mushroom. It contains more than 400 trace…

Vaccines: FDA Reveals Shocking Statement

Vaccines: FDA reveals shocking statement (via ) Vaccines: FDA reveals shocking statement Before reading the featured article take a minute to review this package insert, which can be found on the FDA’s official website, for “Diphtheria and Tetanus DTaP Toxoids and Acellular Pertussis Vaccine…

Botanical Formula Destroys Treatment-Resistant Breast Cancer in Mice

Facebook like Botanical Formula Destroys Treatment-Resistant Breast Cancer in Mice (via PR Newswire ) SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 5, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- A unique formula made from medicinal mushrooms, traditional Chinese herbs and other natural ingredients inhibits aggressive, human triple-negative breast cancer and breast-to-lung metastasis in…