WORKSHOP! The WOOD ELEMENT - Herbal Formulas for the Liver! The Huang Di Nei Jing describes the Liver as “the general of an army”. It secretes bile, which is stored in the Gallbladder. A properly functioning Liver organ will ensure that t he tendons are properly nourished and not too tense or gristly. The normal direction of Liver qi is downward. When it "rebels" it can attack the Spleen, causing nausea and poor appetite. When the liver's ability to spread qi smoothly throughout the body is disrupted due to stress or lifestyle choices, however, the liver qi can become either stagnant or hyperactive, causing havoc in other organs, such as the lungs, stomach, and spleen. Often, stress-related problems such a s irritable bowel syndrome or indigestion can be successfully treated by working through the "smoothing of liver qi ." Dysfunction of the Liver typically presents as; irritability...