Oriental diagnosis is an ancient medical art of reading the body to determine health. The condition of the internal organs is apparent by looking at external features, such as the face, tongue eyes, and ears. This class will provide a step-by-step introduction to the methods of assessment, and diagnosis Oriental medicine. When you are able to diagnose, you are able to help friends, family, and customers with valuable advice as you will be able to recognize which organ(s) may be imbalanced (hopefully) before it causes a problem. Saturday & Sunday: November 4 & 5 10AM - 4PM 301 West 55 Street Suite #4 $175.00 TAOOFHEALTH@AOL.COM Students will gain a working familiarity with meridians and diagnostic points during a full day hands-on workshop on Sunday. Yin/Yang is the Way of heaven and earth, The fundamental principle of the myriad things, The father, and mother of change and transformation, The root of inception and destructi...