

FOOD AS MEDICINE WITH DREW DIVITTORIO October 11 @ 7:00 pm  -  9:00 pm $35 Learn to thrive through healthy eating and enjoy a night of tea tasting. Most of us realize that what we eat matters, but these days we face so much confusing and conflicting information, that it’s hard to know how to incorporate healthy eating into our lives without feeling bewildered, frustrated, or deprived. Imagine if you could combine the best of ancient oriental medicine and modern nutritional science to help you not just feel better — but thrive. Join us for Food as Medicine — a workshop series designed to show you how to improve your health and well-being. Led by Drew DiVittorio, founder of the New York Institute of Herbal Medicine & Nutrition, this powerful 2-hour introductory class explores what is in the food we’re eating, and how eating what is right for your body type can aid in regenerating and detoxifying your body, strengthening your immune system, and prevent...

Gilda's Club - Calming the Spirit!

Calming The Spirit: The Fire Element June 21 @ 6:00 pm  -  7:30 pm According to Chinese medical theory, the heart houses the mind and is the resident spirit The heart balances and controls all mental and emotional activity, consciousness, thinking, memory, and sleep. We will focus on practical approaches to heart-related health concerns ranging from insomnia, panic attacks, anxiety and depression and will explore herbal formulas and exercises that will calm the spirit, release toxic emotions and reduce stress, resulting in optimal emotional and spiritual health. Please sign up for all classes and events. Call (914) 644-8844. Any activity without a reservation 24 hours prior may be canceled. + GOOGL E CALENDAR + ICAL EXPORT Details Date: June 21 Time: 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm Event Category: Lectures & Workshops Organizer Drew Di Vittorio, NCCAOM, Founder/Director New York Institute of Herbal Medicine and Nutrition Website: www.professor...

Become a Certified Health Coach in the Traditional Chinese Healings Arts and make a Difference!

Professional Certification as a Health Coach in the Traditional Chinese Healing Arts. Hello Everyone, In 1977, My mother, Marian DiVittorio was diagnosed with breast cancer. After much anguish, she made the difficult decision to heal herself without pharmaceutical intervention. She began the "Gerson Program," and nutritional supplements, herbs, spiritual guidance, energy healing, and dream work. My experience with food as medicine, the healing power of herbs and movement led me down the path to becoming a practitioner in the Traditional Chinese Healing Arts.

The Power of Plant Medicine: Strengthening the Immune System and Boosting Vitality

Free Intro class Wednesday, January 10, 2018, 8 pm  – Weekly class  starts January 17, 2018 Drew DiVittorio, Dipl (NCCAOM) Plant medicine predates written human history as an approach to healing using herbs and foods to prevent and assist in the healing of various health conditions. In this class, we will look at medicinal properties of common herbs, foods, and medicinal mushrooms used for centuries to enhance the immune system, relieve allergies, address chronic health conditions, support detoxification, and maintain overall health. Topics discussed will include how to incorporate healthy foods and herbs into your diet, as well as tons of recipes, a cooking demo, and tastings of Chinese herbs to add to soups and salads.

New York Herb School - Traditional Chinese Healing Arts. The Art of Healing with Herbs & Food.

Professional Certification as a Health Coach in the  Traditional  Chinese Healing Arts              In 1977, My mother, Marian DiVittorio was diagnosed with breast cancer. After much anguish, she made the difficult decision to heal herself without pharmaceutical intervention. She began the "Gerson Program," and nutritional supplements, herbs, spiritual guidance, energy healing, and dream work. My experience with food as medicine, the healing power of herbs and movement led me down the path to becoming a practitioner in the Traditional Chinese Healing Arts.

21 Day Detoxification Program - Friday Jan. 27th at 6PM

The 21-Day Purification Program. FREE INTRO - January 27 at 6 PM. FREE LECTURE on Friday, January 27 at 6 PM at the New York Open Center (22 East 30th Street). To Register just call us at  917-582-3739 or email us at

Recipes for Health! Learn how to design and personalized your own cleansing program at home.

Join Professor Drew Divittorio the Founder of the New York Herb School and Stef Chuecos a Holistic Practitioner on  July 22nd from 2 to 6 pm . Learn how to design step by step your own Detox Program for you, your friend and family.

The Tao of Food, Herbs, and Sex

Join Professor Drew DiVittorio and  Richard Anton Diaz, for this in-depth lecture on the healing properties of food, herbs, and sex from ancient Chinese tradition.