
Watercress (Nasturtium officinale) :

Foods to Enhance the Detoxification Process University of Ulster scientists revealed that eating watercress daily can significantly reduce DNA damage to blood cells, which is considered to be an important trigger in the development of cancer. The research, published in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, found that in addition to reducing DNA damage, a daily portion of watercress also increased the ability of those cells to resist further DNA damage caused by free radicals.

Dr. Shen's Hair Tonic

He Shou Wu Long ago, old Mr. He became lost in the forest. Years later, those who found him were astonished. The old man's hair had turned from white to black. In order to sustain himself, he lived on the root of the common wild vine Polygoni Multiflori. Today, the plant bears his name, He Shou Wu (Old Mr. He) . In the West this root is known as Shou Wu or FoTi. Modern day doctors of Oriental Medicine use this herb to strengthen the Blood and the Jing in order to treat alopecia, prevent premature hair loss or greying, and to regulate excessive aging. Dr. Shen's Shou Wu Pill contains only five years old or older, export grade (the highest) He Shou Wu (90%). Small amounts (5%) of premium Poria are added to enhance digestability and absorbtion. Chuanxiong (5%) is added as a messenger herb, to invigorate the He Shou Wu and direct the action of the formula upward to the head.

Top Ten Ways to Reduce Stress

1. Cordycepts are a therapeutic fungus found at the high altitudes in China and are one of the most valued medicinal fungi in Chinese medicine.  Research dating back to 1843 suggests the use of cordyceps to help strengthen and rebuilding the body after exhaustion or long term illness.  It is used by athletes to rebuild after a heavy workout.   2. As hwangandha known as a classic rejuvenating herb in Indian medicine, ashwagandha has been shown to enhance adaptability to both physical and chemical stress.  For instance, mice pretreated with ashwagandha and subjected to physical stress showed increased endurance, it can prevent stress induced ulcers.

Tongue Diagnosis in Oriental Medicine

PROFESSOR DREW'S CLASSROOM This is the first in a series of articles explaining the theories, the herbal formulas and diagnostic tools used in Oriental Medicine to heal.  The medical application of tongue diagnosis is very old.   The earliest records are inscriptions on bones and tortoise shells unearthed during the Yi Dynasty; the first dynasty of the Bronze Age. Ancient Chinese physicians developed a special way of approaching the diagnosis of diseases through four types pf physical examination:   inspection, questioning, smelling, and listening.   In addition to taking the pulse, palpation of the abdomen, and tongue diagnosis an inspection of the features of the tongue to aid in disease diagnosis were very important.

Top Ten Supplements to Help Detoxify Your Body

DETOXIFICATION IS NOT FASTING! Fiber supports fecal excretion of toxins and the integrity of the intestinal barrier which decreases toxins burden. In addition fiber can directly bind some toxins thereby removing them before they enter the body and cause damage.

Top Ten Ways To Clear and Strengthen Your Digestive System

R epair Your Digestive System 1. Eliminate foods that are possible allergens which may have a negative impact on the digestive system.   For example, reduce gluten, highly processed foods, foods that contain perseverates and additives, dairy and certain seeds and nuts.   (see the anti-inflammatory diet) Stop taking over the counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) and antacids.   These two drugs are contributing factions to the many symptoms associated with poor digestion.   If you are taking over the counter pain medications use fish oil and turmeric instead - they both have natural anti-inflammatory properties without side-effects. Add food into your diet that can help manage pathogens such as parasites and fungus.   Herbs such as Ginger, garlic, fennel, thyme, and oregano all contain anti-parasite and anti-fungal properties.   If you have acid reflux make...

Inflammation The Slient Killer

Professor Drew's Classroom - Inflammation The Silent Killer Inflammation is a Secret or Silent Killer.  As we know from the research over the past several years, there is a surprising link between Inflammation and heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s and many other diseases. This was the cover of Time Magazine back in February 2004.  The article explains the link between chronic illness and inflammation as follows:  Most of the time inflammation is a life saving procedure that allows the body to fight off infection from bacteria, virus and parasites. (Yes even in the industrial world we are constantly being bombarded by pathogens).  The instant any of these potentially deadly microbes slip into the body, inflammation marshals a defense attack that lays waste to both the invader and any tissue it may have infected.  Then just as quickly, the process subsides and healing begins.  Every once in a while, the whole feverish process doesn’t shut down o...

Why You Should Start Oil Pulling Today

Hello Everybody, This is a great daily health practice.  Something I have been doing for the last 2 years. Why You Should Start Oil Pulling Today.  By Morgan Potts  (see bio below) Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic method for detox and rejuvenation. It’s a simple practice, with quite remarkable results. Many have heard of it, but never actually dove in to try it. It definitely has a mystical and exciting vibe around it, which made me eager to try. But what exactly is it? What does it do? In a (coco)nut shell: To oil pull, simply swish your choice of unrefined, high quality oil in your mouth; similar to the way you would use a mouthwash. My favorite is coconut oil . This can be done anywhere from five to 20 minutes. The process attracts and removes bacteria, toxins, and parasites that live in your mouth or lymph system, and also pulls congestion and mucus from your throat and loosens up your sinuses, which is amazing! ...

Calming the Spirit: Stress Reduction with Chinese Herbs and Practices

Over the course of centuries traditional Chinese medicine developed the use of specific exercises, foods, herbal formulas, and meditation methods to address a wide range of ailments and to foster overall emotional and spiritual health. In this class, we will draw from this rich tradition to learn some simple but powerfully effective techniques to reduce stress and “calm the spirit.” In each session we will practice ancient Taoist movement, breathing, and meditative exercises that have recently been scientifically proven to help control blood pressure, reduce weight, balance energy, and calm the nervous system. Even minutes a day of practice can confer noticeable results. We will also explore herbs, foods and specific exercises that can help alleviate such conditions as depression, insomnia and anxiety as well as help us release negative emotions. A WEEKLY COURSE (3 sessions) Thursdays, June 13–27, 8–10pm 13SHC49T Members: $90 / Nonmembers: $100 New York Open Center 2...

New York Herb School - 5-Month Certification Program: The Art of Healing with Food -Oriental Dietetics

Confucius (551-479 B.C.) once said...' the path to your friend's heart and love goes from your cooking.' A Chinese proverb tells us that 'eating good food can bring harmony and closeness to the family and relationships. In 625AD, the first Chinese Diet Classic was published by Sun Shu Mao a Chinese Physician , his book is entitled 'One Thousand Ounces of Gold Classics'. he created food cures for such conditions as thyroid issues, night blindness, liver diseases and much more. Many of these food cures and healing diets are still being used today. Macrobiotics and many of the modern healing diets that you are familiar with have all  drawn from this ancient wisdom to heal disease in the modern clinic. The 5 - Month program was created with an accessible format   of classes meeting one weekend a month and includes both academic, online and clinical training in diagnosis, herbal and food protocols. The Five Element syste...

Detoxification & Rejuvenation - 7 & 14 Day Programs

Cleanse - Detox & Rejuvenation Do you want to Feel Healthier and Have More Energy? Should You Detoxify ? Free 75 Page Booklet ONLINE CLASSES Classes Begin the 1st of Every Month. Do you have trouble losing weight? Do you have high cholesterol? Do you have high blood pressure? Do you have blood sugar problems? Do you come from a family with diabetes, high cholesterol and obesity? Do you feel tired? Do you feel older than you are? Do you eat non-organic and packaged foods? Do you live near high traffic areas? Do you have trouble sleeping? Do you have environmental sensitivities or allergies? ______________________________________________________ If you answered yes to any of these questions feel free to contact Professor Drew to set up a detox session where he will discuss how to detoxify gently, safely and effectively without any side effects.  Use contact form above. Most detoxification programs...