
New York Herb School - 5-Month Certification Program: The Art of Healing with Food -Oriental Dietetics

Confucius (551-479 B.C.) once said...' the path to your friend's heart and love goes from your cooking.' A Chinese proverb tells us that 'eating good food can bring harmony and closeness to the family and relationships. In 625AD, the first Chinese Diet Classic was published by Sun Shu Mao a Chinese Physician , his book is entitled 'One Thousand Ounces of Gold Classics'. he created food cures for such conditions as thyroid issues, night blindness, liver diseases and much more. Many of these food cures and healing diets are still being used today. Macrobiotics and many of the modern healing diets that you are familiar with have all  drawn from this ancient wisdom to heal disease in the modern clinic. The 5 - Month program was created with an accessible format   of classes meeting one weekend a month and includes both academic, online and clinical training in diagnosis, herbal and food protocols. The Five Element syste...

Detoxification & Rejuvenation - 7 & 14 Day Programs

Cleanse - Detox & Rejuvenation Do you want to Feel Healthier and Have More Energy? Should You Detoxify ? Free 75 Page Booklet ONLINE CLASSES Classes Begin the 1st of Every Month. Do you have trouble losing weight? Do you have high cholesterol? Do you have high blood pressure? Do you have blood sugar problems? Do you come from a family with diabetes, high cholesterol and obesity? Do you feel tired? Do you feel older than you are? Do you eat non-organic and packaged foods? Do you live near high traffic areas? Do you have trouble sleeping? Do you have environmental sensitivities or allergies? ______________________________________________________ If you answered yes to any of these questions feel free to contact Professor Drew to set up a detox session where he will discuss how to detoxify gently, safely and effectively without any side effects.  Use contact form above. Most detoxification programs...

Magic Mushrooms - Fu Zheng Thearpy

Fu Zheng Therapy is a form of traditional Chinese herbalism that literally means ā€œto restore normalcy and balance to the body.ā€ It does not specifically treat any infection or disease state but helps rebuild the bodyā€™s resistance and innate strength so that it may more effectively contend with the manifestations of the disease. The following formula is based on herbs traditionally used in Fu Zheng Therapy.         Ingredients: Ā·         Coriolus mycelium and fruiting body Ā·         Reishi mycelium and fruiting body (Ling zhi) Ā·         Cordyceps mycelium and fruiting body (Dong chong xia cao) Ā·         Flammulina mycelium and fruiting body Ā·         Astragalus root (Huang qi) Ā·         Eleutherococcus gracilis...

Organic Coconut Oil

ā€œ*Nature's ApprovedĀ® Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil available in 1000 liter totes, 55 gal, 5 gal, 1 gal pails, 30 oz jars and 15 oz jars. Private label available. Please inquire. Nature's ApprovedƂĀ® Extra Virgin Coconut Oil Nature's ApprovedƂĀ® Extra Virgin Coconut Oil is from certified organic coconuts grown in Fiji, and the production is also certified organic by a USDA  approved Certifier. PRIVATE LABEL AVAILABLE: Order Now - Enter Drew and receive a 10% discount Due precisely to the production method, the coconut oil we provide thereby retains plant sterols and tocotrienols: Tocotrienol intake could result in bioactive concentrations (click for article)-- Tocotrienols, the least studied form of vitamin E, can achieve levels in the blood that may give protection against a wide range of diseases such as cancer and stroke, says a new study from the US. Read this article to learn more: Fat Facts - on selecting healthy dietary facts - In...

Organic Grape Seed Flour - Gluten Free

Uses and Benefits of Grape Seed Flour From cooks to health fanatics, adding grape seed flour to your diet will not only bring some great taste and excitement, but will supplement your life with an enrichment of antioxidants far beyond that of some of the most healthy fruits. Grape seed flour is known for its great taste, being part of a gluten-free diet, and can be added to almost every meal of the day including desert! Straight from the best vineyards of Europe, Nature's Approved is adding grape seed flour to its list of foods it considers essential to a healthy way of living. The Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity or ORAC table measures a foods antioxidant capacity. Grape Seed Flour contains specific antioxidants that are the up and coming rave of health fanatics everywhere - OPC's. With the reported ability to increase energy, brain activity, and aid in the healing of inflammation, cardiovascular disease, and a slew of other benefits, OPC...