New York Herb School - 5-Month Certification Program: The Art of Healing with Food -Oriental Dietetics

Confucius (551-479 B.C.) once said...' the path to your friend's heart and love goes from your cooking.' A Chinese proverb tells us that 'eating good food can bring harmony and closeness to the family and relationships. In 625AD, the first Chinese Diet Classic was published by Sun Shu Mao a Chinese Physician , his book is entitled 'One Thousand Ounces of Gold Classics'. he created food cures for such conditions as thyroid issues, night blindness, liver diseases and much more. Many of these food cures and healing diets are still being used today. Macrobiotics and many of the modern healing diets that you are familiar with have all drawn from this ancient wisdom to heal disease in the modern clinic. The 5 - Month program was created with an accessible format of classes meeting one weekend a month and includes both academic, online and clinical training in diagnosis, herbal and food protocols. The Five Element syste...